There are several ways to get involved in the Serving Shoulder to Shoulder Movement.


Join a Co-Missional Group

Many people benefit from insights gained in a group discussion setting. Join one of our seven-week Co-Missional mentoring groups to dig further into the content and to answer specific questions. Contact us at for more information about Co-Missional cohorts.

Check out the 2025 COHORTS!

  • UPCOMING   starting Wed 8 January 2025    @ 11:00am Eastern    ENROLLMENT OPEN
  • UPCOMING   starting Thurs 9 January 2025  @ 9:00pm Eastern     ENROLLMENT OPEN
  • Cohort 4 (Current) started 9 October 2024.     11:00am Eastern    (ENROLLMENT FULL)
  • Cohort 3        started 21 August 2024.  (FULL/COMPLETE)
  • Cohort 2        started 19 January 2023. (FULL/COMPLETE)
  • Cohort 1        started 15 September 2022. (FULL/COMPLETE)

Upcoming Live Event(s)

Summer 2024 events in Ulaanbaator, Hyderabad, Delhi, and Cairo… and more to come!
Contact us if you are in the area and are interested to attend the seminar.


Join us to explore the theology and practice of men and women working together to complete the Great Commission! We will work through the difficult passages and unpack them theologically and together discover ways men and women can encourage one another, release one another, and empower one another to use the gifts the Holy Spirit has given. 

WORLDVIEW DANGER! As we work through the five families in Scripture, God may desire to shake and shift your understanding and release you into powerful kingdom practice. You may be set free. You may be convicted. You will be challenged to run fast and far with Jesus!

Through this interactive two-day seminar, you will understand:

  • How the biblical “Five Families” reveal God’s purpose for your family, no matter your ethnic background or culture.
  • How to encourage godly women to lead alongside godly men.
  • How Jesus can use (and is using) gifted men/women in every sphere of the Church and world.
  • How the Apostle Paul is a great releaser of godly women. Absolutely!
  • How to expose and demolish the demons of domestic abuse and spiritual abuse.
  • How to stand on the Bible and defend against arguments of “rights” and “roles.”
  • How to wrestle with and grasp: 1 Cor. 11, 1 Cor. 14, 1 Tim. 2-3, Eph. 5, “Helper,” “Authority,” “Submission,” etc.
  • How to implement the practical “one another” principles in your home, church, and network.

Reflect and Share

The best way to see God move in your heart is by personally walking through the Shoulder to Shoulder materials. Begin at the Starting Block page. Take the time to reflect, hear from God, and follow through on any steps of obedience. Be sure and “count the cost,” because this movement is not for the faint-hearted. Of course, this journey should be personal, but it need not remain private. Share with others what God shows you! Become a multiplier of the Good News that Jesus partners with both men and women to complete the Great Commission!

Help Complete a Translation

Would your people group and network benefit from these materials? You may be the answer to prayer. Contact us at if you are interested in helping move Shoulder to Shoulder into another language. Or if you are interested in funding these materials into another language, please let us know. We would love to work with you.

Prayer Moves Mountains

One foundational aspect of all true “moves of God” is prayer – strategic, consistent, and faithful prayer. This type of prayer moves mountains! These mountainous obstacles prevent Christlike sons and daughters from being fully released into God’s global mission. We have identified twelve key areas we believe need strong prayer coverage to shift the tectonic plates causing the rise of these mountains! Read on, pray on, and may these mountains move, in Jesus’ name!

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