Welcome Friends! We’re excited to have you join us on this journey to find out what God says in the Bible about women and men serving together to share the gospel of Christ. We encourage you to begin with the two videos below explaining who should study this series and how S2S came about. Next, we have outlined the best way to navigate through the study.
- Recognize the intentional sequence of the Five Families. Go in order to receive the most benefit.
- Watch the short videos for each topic.
- Read the quick reference “One-Pagers” for each topic.
- Download the Ready…Set…Go! Journal and take time for personal reflection.
- Obey and RUN WITH IT!
and one thing NOT to do: - Do NOT get a big head full of wonderful answers with no intention of applying and obeying!
This is where it all begins! We invite you to proceed through the Five Families in order. Like the four legs of a racing team (+ the victory lap!), each of the families builds on the previous ones. But if you REALLY, REALLY want to jump ahead to a specific hot topic, you can find the links below.
Leg 1 – Ideal Family – How did God originally intend for men and women to relate?
This section looks specifically at Genesis 1-2.
Leg 2 – Fallen Family – What changed in the male/female relationship when sin came in?
This section considers Genesis 3 and the global consequences that follow.
Leg 3 – Redeemed Family – How did Jesus treat women, and what difference does the cross make?
This section examines Jesus’ interactions/teachings with women.
Leg 4 – Multiplied Family – What was the Apostle Paul’s heart for men and women?
This section digs into Paul’s missionary letters in the New Testament.
Victory Lap – Forever Family – How will men and women interact for eternity in God’s presence?
This section considers men and women relationships in light of eternity.
Enjoy this summary talk on the Five Families.